Rosary of Aachen

for a christian Europe

“This prayer is precious:
The more it is prayed, the more my light
will shine over Aachen and Europe.“

Renewal of Europe

through the rosary to the patroness of the Christian Occident

In addition to the Rosary Psaltery, there have always been forms of prayer similar to the Rosary in the Church, which arose because of special intentions or needs.

Battle of Lepanto in 1571

For the salvation of the christian West (in 1456), the Angelus proved to be an effective prayer that released the rays of God's grace. The rosary, however, proved be even stronger in this concern.

The prayer of the rosary showed its power and effect in particular, as Christianity in Europe was saved from its downfall several times by the rosary (e.g. in the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, as well as in 1683 in the Battle of Vienna).

Heaven gives us a prayer through which the Church and Europe will shine brightly again,
purified of all her human weaknesses, freed from the stain of infidelity and apostasy:

The Rosary to the Patroness of the Christian West.

The Europe rosary

for the protection of families and for a Christian Europe

“Through the medal and through this particular rosary,
a change will take place in Europe as in Cana:
the Lord will, through the mediation of Mary,
turn the water into wine.”

Hail Mary Empress, Help of Christians

For the protection of families and for a new Christianisation of Europe, Heaven wishes the invocation of Mary under the title “Empress” and “Help of Christians”, and the veneration of her crown over Europe by means of 12 beads of a special rosary.

Since time immemorial, the miraculous image of Mary in the High Cathedral of Aachen, the coronation site of many emperors and kings, has been affectionately called “Empress of Aachen”.

Mary's high position in God's plan of salvation, as Queen of Heaven and Earth, immaculately conceived always pure Virgin and at the same time true Mother of God, suggests to her highest dignity also the highest title of honour “Empress”.

Old paintings, songs and poems honoured her already in early Christianity (e.g. on a depiction in the Roman Priscilla Catacomb) under the title “Empress”, “High Empress” (12th century), "Empress of Christendom” (14th century) and in the invocation “Hail Mary Empress” (15th century until today) as the protector of Aachen, Germany and as the “Help of Christians”.

Due to numerous miracles, Aachen’s miraculous image was venerated by many saints under the title “Empress” and “Help of Christians” (such as St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Bridget of Sweden, St. Peter Canisius and Bl. Hermann of Reichenau (author of the Salve Regina)).

The heart piece of the rosary is the medal of the miraculous image of the “Help of the Christians” in the High Cathedral of Aachen.

How is this rosary prayed?

The European rosary is prayed like the traditional rosary. After each mystery, the Fatima prayer “O my Jesus” and the prayer “Hail Mary Empress” are said.

The 12 beads of the European rosary are prayed in honour of the crown of 12 stars that adorn Mary's head (Revelation 12: 1). This crown of Mary is the historical origin of the European flag, which to this day bears its golden circle of stars on blue ground.

A rosary with 12 beads is not unknown to the Church. The Chaplet of the Infant Jesus of Prague, which is also prayed on 12 beads of “Hail Mary”, can be traced back in the same way to a revelation of the Most Blessed Virgin, which occurred in 1636 to the venerable Discalced Carmelite Marguerite of the Blessed Sacrament (Marguerite du Saint-Sacrement). Also the Rosary to the Immaculate Conception, which was recorded by the venerable Archbishop Bonaventura Barberini OFMCap (✝1743), is prayed on 12 beads. It was provided with rich indulgences by Pope Pius IX.

Hail Mary Empress

Help of Christians, Mother of Europe

Hail Mary Empress,
Help of Christians,
pray for the diocese consecrated to you, especially for the bishop,
all priests and consecrated souls
and most particularly
for a Christian Europe. Amen.
Hail Mary Empress,
Help of Christians,
pray for the diocese consecrated to you,
especially for the bishop,
all priests and consecrated souls
and most particularly
for a Christian Europe. Amen.

Europe of the third millennium

Loss of his Christian identity

A Europe over which God's face shines

Darkness lies over Europe, the darkness of sins committed, justified and no longer confessed ... of lust and impurity ... of unbridled egoism and hatred, discord and war ... of loss of faith and apostasy. God's law is frivolously broken, his name and day profaned.

Even within the Church, the danger of confusion, indiscipline and disobedience is so great that prayer has become essential for every bishop, priest and consecrated soul.

“Rediscover your origins. Revitalize your roots!”

“Europe of the third millennium, 'do not let your hands fall!" (Zef 3:16); do not lose heart, do not adapt to ways of thinking and living that have no future, as they are not based on the unshakable certainty of the Word of God! ... ”

“Church in Europe, therefore, continue your contemplative gaze on Mary and recognise that she is 'maternally and sympathetically present' ... and that she is the helper of the Christian people in the unceasing struggle between good and evil” (P. John Paul II, Ecclesia in Europa, 120ff.)

»Hail Mary Empress, Help of Christians,
pray for the diocese consecrated to you, especially for the bishop, all priests and
consecrated souls and most particularly for a Christian Europe. Amen.«

Promises for the protection of families

through the rosary, the medal and the miraculous image of Aachen

“Through more intensity, more trust and more fervour in this prayer, abundant graces will come over Europe. Therefore, pray often the prayer ‘Hail Mary Empress’ to receive my protection over you and the continent.”

Receive rosary and sacramentals

for the protection of families and a new Christianization of Europe

You can receive the sacramentals of the “Empress of Aachen” and “Help of Christians” free of charge from us by post.

Simply write us an email for your order:

Send us a message via WhatsApp or call us:

Send WhatsApp message

Send Telegram message

  +49 157 – 301 627 72

  +49 241 – 997 706 54

You can also contact us by post:

Maria Kaiserin, Hilfe der Christen e. V.
Rosenweg 1
52078 Aachen

The rosary, the medal and the images are already solemnly blessed and consecrated with a special blessing by a catholic priest.

Since consecrated objects are not sold according to the order of the Church, you can receive the sacramentals on request for a free donation. We trust that this will continue to make our apostolate possible. For this we give our heartfelt thanks. God bless you!

We would also be happy to send you flyers and information booklets on request.

European rosary

Through the European rosary, Heaven promises a Christian change in Europe, “as in Cana”: through the mediation of Mary as “Empress of Aachen” and “Help of Christians”.

“Through more spiritual strength, more trust and more fervour in this prayer, abundant graces will come over Europe. Therefore, pray often the prayer ‘Hail Mary Empress’ to gain my protection over you and the continent.” (Promise of Our Lady)

Receive rosary

Medal of the
miraculous image

By wearing the medal, the Mother of God promises her protection in a time of purification and tribulation soon to come to Europe.

“This medal that can either be worn or attached to the rosary will bring abundant graces to those who do so ... This medal in combination with a special rosary (12 Hail Mary in honor of her crown over Europe) will, however, pour out an abundance of light and spiritual well-being“ (promise of our Lord Jesus Christ).

Receive medal

Framed picture of the
miraculous image

For a coming time of great tribulation for all Christians in Europe, especially the consecrated, Our Lady desires the spread of Her image of the “Help of Christians”, to protect those families who place Her image of grace.

„My presence will be a source of protection and comfort, a source of trust and hope, of peace of heart and peace in families particularly in this difficult present time of tribulation and struggle, so that I can bring about abundant graces.”

Receive image

The miraculous image of the
Help of Christians

Empress of Aachen and Mother of Europe

The solemn coronation of the miraculous image in 1927

In 1927 the miraculous image of Aachen was solemnly crowned under the title
“Help of Christians” by order of Pope Pius XI.

Sancta Maria Imperatrix, Auxilium Christianorum, ora pro nobis et semper impera super nos filios tuos.

Flyers and documents

about the miraculous image and its promises

Historical background

Miraculous image of Aachen

Europe rosary & medal

Support association

Maria Kaiserin, Hilfe der Christen e. V.

The association “Mary Empress, Help of Christians”

Our concern is to spread the European Rosary, the medal and the miraculous image of Aachen in Europe at the request of Heaven; to awaken devotion to Our Lady as the “Help of Christians” in this time of urgent time of need, and thereby to obtain the graces promised by her for the protection of the European continent and its Christian families.

You can support the intentions of our association “Mary Empress, Help of Christians” by often saying the prayer “Hail Mary Empress” and the Rosary of Aachen in honor of Mary's crown over Europe according to Our Lady's wishes, or by asking that it be prayed in your parish.

Our Lady also wishes that the Rosary of Aachen and the medal of her miraculous image are worn. You can give the European Rosary and the medal of the “Help of Christians” as a gift, distribute flyers and information booklets, or support us with a donation.

Voluntary donation to Maria Kaiserin, Hilfe der Christen e. V.:

IBAN: DE36 3146 0290 0010 5450 21
Volksbank Viersen eG

If you would like to help us in any other way, please feel free to contact us:

We are informed worldwide about special answers to prayer received through the prayer of the European Rosary. which were received through the prayer of the Europe Rosary and the veneration of the miraculous image of Aachen. It is valuable for our apostolate if you send us a special answer to prayer (anonymously if you wish).

St. Benedict
Patron saint of Europe

Sts. Cyril and Methodius
Patron saints of Europe

St. Catherine of Siena
Patron saint of Europe

St. Bridget of Sweden
Patron saint of Europe

St. Teresia Benedicta a Cruce
Patron saint of Europe

“This prayer is like a golden key
that opens my and my mother’s heart
and from there lets the rays
of my graces and her intercession
come to you.”

“This prayer is like a golden key that opens my and my mother’s heart and from there lets the rays of my graces and her intercession come to you.”